For a further in-depth guide on filling out the form see the attached document.
Tips for filling out this form:
At what time entering your name on the form, please be sure names are as printed on your State of Kansas license. If you changed your last name in the middle of a licensure period, type your current last name and in parenthesis type the name on your license.
If you are using college credit it should be entered and listed first at the top of the page using the format of school name, class number, name of class as written on the transcript. For example, Baker EDU6543 Dyslexia Strategies.
To add additional activities hit the +Add button. Each additional inservice education activity listed next should be listed with the most recent activity at the top. Enter the the title of each inservice education activity, select the type of education activity, enter the number of credit hours or points earned, and enter the the date for activity. The points entered will calculate automatically. “C/PL” stands for Content or Professional Learning. “SP” stands for Service to Profession.
You may save and continue this form at a later date by clicking on the save draft button at the bottom of the form.
Do NOT submit the transcript form to the Office of Catholic Schools until your transcript request form is complete and you have reached the appropriate number of professional development points for license renewal.
You will need to upload documentation of all inservice entries as one document in chronological order with the most recent on top. If you are using college credit, the college transcripts are first followed by all other inservice documentation. If you reach the maximum limit that you can upload please send your remaining documentation to
You will also need to upload a copy of your current Kansas educator license.
Transcripts are processed at the end of each month by the members of the professional development formation council (PDFC). You and your principal will receive an email from the Office of Catholic Schools after we have reviewed and processed your submitted transcript form. The email will contain a copy of your processed transcript along with instructions for the next steps for you and your principal.