Catholic Schools
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Forming Scholarly Disciples


Understanding that each child is a Masterpiece of God, created with precision for a specific purpose, the Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas provide an education that forms the whole person, so that all may attain their eternal destiny and promote the common good of society.


In partnership with parents, the Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas provide students with exceptional, Christ-centered education rooted in traditional values, forming students who are joyfully Catholic, diligently achieving, and intentionally self-giving.

Core Values

  • Joyfully Catholic: Schools employ teachers who embrace the faith, who are happy about being Catholic, who want to learn more about the faith, and have a desire to deepen their relationships with Christ. Curriculum and instruction reflects a Catholic worldview, grounded in moral theology and social justice teachings of the Church. Joyfully Catholic communities respect the human dignity of everyone, and embraces virtuous behavior.
  • Diligently Achieving: Schools guide students to develop their God-given talents by attending to the needs of each students’ spiritual growth, academic success, and emotional well-being. All schools faith formation, rigorous curriculum and instruction, and a virtue-based approach to students’ personal development.
  • Intentionally Self-Giving: Our service toward others is rooted in an individual, age-appropriate discernment process that asks students to reflect on their God-given talents. Reflecting on their work, students learn to hear God’s desires for them and others in fulfillment of the Gospel.
  • Prudently Managed: Schools are blessed by the financial gifts from benefactors, parishes, and fundraising. We utilize all finances to the glory of God by prudently budgeting, and incorporating strategic planning.
  • Forward Thinking: Schools continually use data, both historical and projected, to set a strategic vision and plan.